Our approach
Working with industry and stakeholders to unlock the potential of the seabed around England, Wales and Northern Ireland
We are the managers of the seabed and much of the coastline around England, Wales and Northern Ireland and our vision is to create the most sustainable and attractive marine economy and environment in the world. We have a responsibility to deliver value for the nation and nature – through enabling green energy, driving economic growth and jobs, and creating and protecting thriving biodiversity and marine environments.
Through sectors such as offshore wind and through creating opportunities for new technologies, such as carbon capture and storage and green hydrogen, we play a vital role in unlocking renewable energy for millions of homes, supporting the nation’s transition to a resilient, sustainable and decarbonised future.
As well as being critical to the UK’s energy transition, our seabed and seas support many other industries imperative to livelihoods as well as important natural habitats and wildlife. All these activities create ever increasing demands on the seabed and competition for space. We need to take a holistic view on how we manage the seabed to ensure the right activities are brought forward in the right locations in the right way.
About the Whole of Seabed Programme
The Whole of Seabed Programme delivers the capability to identify potential sectoral interactions over the coming decades in greater detail than ever before. This is being used to model how future demands for seabed rights and overarching objectives, such as achieving net zero by 2050 and recovering the marine environment, could be met under various scenarios.
This approach will enable us, along with our partners across marine management, planning and delivery, to:
Our Programme in action
The Whole of Seabed Programme has been made possible by our expertise in geospatial analysis, supported by robust data and evidence developed and collated over the last 20 years and through our suite of bespoke modelling tools.
These tools and capabilities have allowed us to create a uniquely sophisticated method to spatially represent future resources and demands across a vast range of activities, such as habitat restoration, offshore telecoms cables, offshore wind and more.
As we develop the Programme further, we are expanding our work with stakeholders to build and validate the underlying data and evidence used in the analysis, as well as identify knowledge gaps that can be filled to improve our understanding going forwards.
Marine Delivery Routemap
Using the Whole of Seabed evidence base, we are developing a forward strategy for our marine space in partnership with others: the Marine Delivery Routemap. This will help coordinate action across agencies and sectors to deliver on net zero and nature policies, build a thriving marine economy, and support onshore communities.
The Marine Delivery Routemap will catalyse the delivery of multiple priorities including net zero and nature recovery, as well as the enhanced co-ordination of future activities out to 2050. By doing this, we can help de-risk and accelerate the ambitions of industry in a way that supports diverse marine environments and other users of the sea.
Learn more
Whole of Seabed Programme: Summary Methodology Report
Download (9.3MB)Whole of Seabed Programme: Nature Technical Note
Download (6.9MB)
For more information about the Whole of Seabed Programme, please contact: